- Click the Human Resources tab in the Main Menu. You will see a blank “Staff Information” page.
- *Note* You should check to ensure that the new staff member has not already been entered into the system or is a previous employee by searching their name in the top “Staff Selector” box and doing the same with “Show Inactive” selected as well.
- Start by clicking the “New” button to create a new record. The boxes outlined in red must be filled before being able to save. Fill in these boxes and any others necessary and click “Save” at the top of the form.
- Next, navigate to the “Employment Status Change” page in order to change the position of the new staff member. Select a position for the staff member set it as “Primary Position” if necessary. Setting this as their primary position will be the position that will be used in Signature Control boxes and will identify who you will sign as. Typically, there is only one primary position per staff member.
*Note* This step is important as positions are normally used to determine who can and cannot sign off on particular documents.
- Along with assigning a position, you can also specify a “Position Title” to further specify their position.
- Assign the new staff member a position and fill out any other necessary information. When completed, click “Save” at the top of the form.
- Next, go to the "Staff Credentials" form. Staff credentials are important as some Signatures require current credentials in order to be signed. Select a Job Code, the date received, and enter the title. Select "Current Credential" if this is a current credential OR if it is the staff member's only credential.
- Enter any additional information as necessary and click "Save" at the top left corner of the form.
- Lastly, navigate to the “Account Creation and Configuration” tab. Ensure the correct staff member is still selected in the Staff Selector box at the top of the form. Enter a Login account name for the staff member. Typically, it is the user’s first initial followed by their last name (i.e. jsmith).
- Click “Create Account and Save”. Now click “Send Account Notification”. This will send an email to the new staff member’s designated email address and will ensure that the user does not log in before their permissions are configured properly.
- You can assign clients to the staff member on this page as well. By selecting the “Only Assigned Clients” checkbox, this staff member will only be able to view the clients that you assign in the box below. You can also prohibit the staff member from viewing certain clients at the bottom of the page. Checking the “View Restricted” checkbox will enable this staff member to view clients that are flagged as “Restricted”.
- *Note* Do not prohibit more than 20 clients per employee. Doing so will degrade system performance.
Removing a Staff Member
- In the event that an employee is no longer working with your organization, removing their access to the system is fast and easy.
- Navigate to the staff member’s “Staff Information” page. Disabling their login account is as simple as clicking the “Inactive Staff” checkbox above the Last Name textbox. Making sure the box is checked, click “Save” at the top of the form and the staff member’s account will no longer be shown as active.
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